10 Hacks To Make Household Chores Easier

10 Hacks To Make Household Chores Easier

Household chores can be time-consuming and tedious, but with a few simple hacks, you can make your cleaning routine more efficient and effective. Here are 10 tips to help you streamline your chores:

1. Use a Squeegee on Carpets and Upholstery

A squeegee is not just for windows! Use it to remove pet hair and lint from carpets and upholstery. The rubber blade will gather the hair and make it easy to dispose of.

2. Clean Your Microwave with Lemon

Cut a lemon in half, squeeze the juice into a microwave-safe bowl, and add the lemon halves. Microwave the bowl for 3 minutes, then let it sit for 5 minutes. The steam will loosen any grime, making it easy to wipe clean.

3. Use a Lint Roller for Dusting

A lint roller is perfect for dusting lampshades, fabric furniture, and even hard-to-reach places like blinds and air vents.

4. Clean Your Blender by Blending

Fill your blender halfway with warm water and a drop of dish soap. Blend for 30 seconds, then rinse. This will clean the blades and container without any scrubbing.

5. Use a Dryer Sheet to Clean Baseboards

Baseboards can be a pain to clean, but a dryer sheet can make the task much easier. Simply wipe down your baseboards with a used dryer sheet. The anti-static properties will help repel dust and dirt, keeping your baseboards cleaner for longer.

6. Use a Magnetic Knife Strip for Bathroom Storage

Mount a magnetic knife strip in your bathroom to hold bobby pins, tweezers, nail clippers, and other small metal items.

7. Use a Sock to Clean Blinds

Put an old sock on your hand and dip it in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. Use this to wipe down each slat of your blinds for a quick and easy clean.

8. Use a Squeegee in the Shower

Keep a squeegee in your shower and use it to wipe down the walls and door after each use. This will prevent water spots and soap scum buildup.

9. Use Baking Soda to Deodorize Carpets

Sprinkle baking soda on your carpets before vacuuming. Let it sit for 15 minutes to absorb odors, then vacuum as usual.

10. Use the "Chore Boss" App

Download the "Chore Boss" app to help manage your household chores. This app allows you to create and assign tasks, set reminders, and track progress. With "Chore Boss," you can stay organized and on top of your cleaning routine.

By incorporating these hacks into your cleaning routine and using the "Chore Boss" app to stay organized, you can make your household chores easier and more manageable.